This meeting will be a regular affair, rather than a one-time thing. Identifying areas of mutual interest to push the LhARA project forward. Ken presented at the ABP Group meeting on 30th March. At CERN is NIMMS activity, and others with overlap.

Broad interests of collaboration.

Will Shields

Ask for slides [pdf]

Gave presentation about LhARA status of beam transport and simulations and modelling.

Use of BDSIM for transport.

FFA Simulations needed, with Space-Charge.

FixField instead of Zgoubi

AL: We seem very well covered with validated simulation software. Where could ABP help? What else is needed?

WS: Space-charge validation, to compare with GPT, as currently reliant on one code.

AL: Support means you give us the beamline and we track through it to validate your code or we give you our code?

KL: One could do either or both, forms of validation. Expert discussion needed on this topic.

CR: Asking similar question on space-charge verification.

WS: Cross comparing codes would be good.

KL: Strengths and weaknesses of codes. General question - is there room for developing something better?

WS: Stuart Bogardt developing python interface for any external tracking code. This is in the pipeline. One route to go down.

SR: Laurie many years working with Stefano. Many of the key developers at CERN, and also use parts of these code. Incl for FCC-ee

AL Space-charge implemented in RF-Track, and has a python interface. Could combine BDSIM and RF-Track.

KL Is there a difference between linacs and rings?

AL Mostly just many turns - so time to simulate.

CR His code is more for linac codes, which are usually numerical integration rather than matrix calculations for synchrotrons.

Taylor - FFA Extraction

KL: Ramping sextupole?

RT: Sextupole working with extraction, not against. Could break chromaticity towards the direction of the resonance. Must be careful with ramping time.

SR: Requests I get in contact with Massimo Giovannozzi, involved in slow extraction studies, PhD student combining,

CR: ISIS upgrade, tune which can vary with trim coils. Static, not pulsed, tune the magnet. Some cyclotrons do that, can do it mechanically. Tune as function of time.

KL: Issues that could affect the design.

Marlene Turner - Source & Capture

CW: Penning-Malberg Trap. Similar to antihydrogen trap. Redesign electrodes.

CW: How important is modelling space-charge close to the source?

KL: Assuming space-charge from source propagating, then instantaneously starts affecting the beam. Overlap with Berkeley group and laser-driven ion beam.

MT: Berkeley - good use of simulation codes on this topic. There are links here.

KL: From AWAKE point of view? How different is LhARA - is there overlap? No response.

AL: Point source with high intensity and tracking to drift. Is this what you call capture? Andrea Latina and Alessandra are benchmarking studies of extraction from a source with Path, called RF Track. Might have common ground for testing. Complementary to Marlene + Colin’s discussion.

KL: Straight from source into RFQ?

AL: From plasma, then electrostatic acceleration, then directly into RFQ or into a magnetic LEBT. All things can be simulated. First studies with Andrea, tackled the RFQ, and now plan to go to part of source, lots of question marks. When applied in LINAC4 case, experimental data to compare with.

KL: From source, do we combine that there, or is it a separate discussion?

AL: Probably separate.

Instrumentation & Beam Monitoring

KL: Are low energy beams difficult?

AL: No one is here from beam instrumentation. To take a guess, it is a bit different, yes.

RS: Quite difficult as we have to separate ions we want to measure against electrons in the cloud and x-rays from the source.

AL: Not in our group to develop measurement strategy.


KL: Four areas to try and discuss. Get right experts together:

Are we interested in re-joining as a group again?

2 months: Larger group getting together. Some travelling. In that period, establish expert groups of what areas of overlaps are. We now aspire to do these things together.

RS: Put the four topics down with the names he guesses, then Taylor passes it round, then establish ABP side if these names work.


KL Ken Long - STFC & Imperial

Making LhARA a reality via UK ITRF.

RTa Rebecca Taylor - NIMMS and LhARA

Stage 1 transport to the end station.

Extraction from compact synchrotrons for NIMMS. Extraction from Stage 2 LhARA.

TD Titus Dascalu - PhD Student at LhARA

Exploring Gabor Plasma lens as focusing device for protons and ions in LhARA.

CB Christopher Baker - Swansea University

Plasma Physicist. WP Manager of LhARA Capture.

AK Ajit Kurup - Imperial College

Accelerator Physicist, High Energy Physics. Low frequency RF of LhARA.

AL Alessandra Lombardi - CERN Section Leader of ABP-HSL

Supervised Titus on LINAC4.

Can look into acceleration of protons to 15 MeV

RTo Rogelio Tomas - Section Leader of Linear Non-Linear Optics

Interested in Optics and Machine Learning Activities.

AL Andrea Latina - 10+ years at CERN

Beam dynamics for CLIC. Small machines in recent years, using CLIC technology (inverse compton scattering sources)

Simulation scenarios may also help for high intensity beams of LhARA.

MJ Mark Johnson - STFC Accelerator Physicists, Daresbury

Synchrotron design for ITRF, based on NIMMS. Possible comparison to LhARA FFA design.

WS William Shields - Postdoc at Royal Holloway

Start-to-end simulations from laser target simulations to end stations + accelerator performance. BDSIM developer for Medical Beamline simulations.

HO Hywel Owen - STFC, Daresbury

Beam Physics projects, ITRF project, translating LhARA accelerator into a facility.

EG Edda Gschwendner - ABP, Section Leader of Lepton Accelerators and Facilities

AWAKE facility

SR Stefano Redaelli - ABP Section Leader of Collimation and Non-Linear Dynamics

Point of contact for machine learning. In his work team, use ML in operation of the LHC. Algorithms to align collimations & in beam dynamics. Dynamic aperture calculations. Beam losses/lifetime.

MV Maurizio Vretenar - Leader of NIMMS Study at CERN

How this work can be matched to the priorities of NIMMS.

CW Colin Whyte - Strathclyde

Atoms, Beams and Plasmas (ABP).

CR Chris Rogers - ISIS Accelerator Physicist

FFAs, Muon Beams, interested in Stage 2 of LhARA

MT Marlene Turner -

Making connection with Chris Baker

RS Richard Scrivens -

EB Elena Benedetto -